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Teaching-Learning Activity II: Coaching Draft

  • 19 to 26 February 2023

The Teaching-Learning Activity II: Coaching Draft. Our partners brought 10 people to Madeira.

  • Study visit, meeting foreign professionals for a week of intensive learning and changing experiences, practices.

  • A thorough, detailed exchange of experience about the Experimental Phase, based on written and narrative reports.

  • Draft of an effective coaching system based on evaluated SWOT analyses plus results of teaching experiments with modified methodological descriptions. Defined themathic fields of the coach work (lack of capacity / burnout / under- skilling / system rigidity etc.). Collected ideas of self-management techniques, effective methods and training elements which would lead to the resolution of the listed problems.

  • Evaluating the whole project with different methods (discussions, surveys, listing and checking end products), regarding the project management steps, the learning progress of participants and the quality and number of end products.

  • Analysing the results of the international evaluation surveys filled out by project partners and participants.

  • Preparing further common documents needed for finalising the project.

  • Describing further steps, possibilities, advantages of future networking. Ideas, strategies for continuing cooperation and establishing a sustainable federation.

  • 2 meetings with de hole team we had previously identified methodologies that have been proven to improve educational outcomes: MEM (Movimento da Escola Moderna); Gardner’s multiple intelligences framework; a Montessori environment with allows learners to have a space where they can be autonomous, creative, responsible and promote solidarity, acceptance and respect.

  • A final meeting was held, in order to debate the following:

- As a team, we thoroughly analysed the SWOT analysis and the work previously mentioned in the topic “After the Transnational Meeting I”.
- The next stages of the project were discussed, and tasks were assigned to each team


 The difficulties we met are related with:

- Differences in knowledge and use of technological tools; - Learning/Teaching methods of each country;
- Language barrier
- Gathering participants for the survey

- Going from the ideas, that are well defined, to implementing them
- Feeling that our project has a residual impact to date as we are in the middle of the project

- Bring awareness to the community stressing the importance of the project
- Create a greater involvement of all partners in order to have a more active participation of all - Improve communication and dissemination strategies



- Exchanged expertise and experience on where the integration of alternative methods for reforming teaching into the educational process is stuck. Expired similarities and differences.

- Better understanding the role of the teacher, the role of all participants in the educational process, and the importance of personal help in case of failure.

- Making an understanding of that education is a sort of cooperation between teachers, pupils, experts and decision- makers (and also parents), learning to respect, consider and involve all of these participants into the phases of the educational service.

- Raising an understanding that the learning progress is an own personal interest, matched with individual attributes, lasting till the end of our lives. Its purpose is to gain adequate skills for further future benefits.

- Helping teachers to learn techniques adoptable for any kinds of learning content. Identified relationship between learning outcomes and pedagogical methods.

- Interest to share experiences with foreign teachers. Cross-cultural contacts with European colleagues.

- Promoted language learning and linguistic diversity.

We did five workshops of intensive learning and changing experiences practices:

Madeira experience in Photos

Madeira experience in videos

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