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Swot analysis

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After the teams were formed, the preparation of the questionnaire that would be used for the preparation of the SWOT analysis began. The questionnaire was partially elaborated and translated. Despite our online contact, it agreed that there would be several details that would have to be seen in person during our visit to Budapest in Teaching-Learning Activity I: Effective Teaching Practices.
In Teaching-Learning Activity I We held two working meetings to change and improve the previously worked questionnaire. Working as a team, it was decided that this would be the final version to send to the Portuguese and Hungarian teachers/trainers to respond. The questionnaire was answered by 200 teachers and trainers from both countries, compiled in English/ Hungarian/Portuguese and then a Swot analysis was prepared.

In addition to the SWOT analysis, and taking the surveys as a starting point, more in-depth work was carried out on the following topics:

- Why So: goals;
- The context: Hungary/Portugal school environment;
- Key triangle;
- Structural issues of the methodology and process action plan;
- Key facts and figures;
- Learning ladder in Portugal (in Hungary it was not possible to determine due to lack of available information);

- Action plan.

This work and SWOT analysis were presented and discussed at the Madeira Activity meeting in February 2023.

Swot Analysis in images

Swot Analysis in video

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